Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. ― Albert Einstein
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. ― Albert Einstein
Our job is to remind us that there are more contexts than the one that we’re in — the one that we think is reality. ― Alan Kay
I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind. ― Alan Kay, 2005
The central enemy of reliability is complexity. ― Geer et al., 2003
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. ― Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
Last year I failed miserably on running my first marathon. Severe pain from shin splints forced me to stop running completely while training for Berlin marathon 2012. I really tried to continue running but that was probably the worst thing to do. Finally I realized I had to take a break. I stopped running completely for about three months. Having to do so was disappointing of course. But it also was an important lesson, an opportunity to learn. I thought about why my body shut down. What did I do wrong? Here are three things I learned: ...
Very recently I started to use the very nice Karma Test Runner. I really do recommend to check it out. However I wondered why tests ran very slow sometimes (>20s) and sometimes they where very fast (<1s). Quickly I realised the issue was having the Chrome tab in the background: The Chrome tab which was connected to Karma was one among others. I used the other tabs for web browsing and development, so the Karma tab wasn’t the active tab. This gives it a very low priority and running tests became extremely sluggish. ...
I recently got not only interested in Clojure but also want to utilize it for some image analysis now. OpenCV is a very solid package for image and video analysis. Java bindings have been released for OpenCV at the beginning of 2013. Unfortunately it wasn’t as easy as I expected in the first place to use it from Clojure. I would like to show you how to do it. Here is an outline of the necessary steps: ...
If you are using lots of command line tools (being a cool guy, you should!), you most probably have a need to organize all this stuff. If you are a web developer for example, you want to edit files, have a look on your webserver logs, monitor automated tests, handle your git repo and so on. There is a lot of stuff going on there! All these tools want to be tamed, to achieve your most productive work flow. Handling lots of separate terminal windows often is not the most efficient thing. That’s where tmux comes into play. ...
In my last post I told myself “not to overdo” it. Sadly exactly this happened. I have lots of trouble with shin splints (medial). :( What happened? The last long run, which went well was on 19th August. Previously I was running over 30km multiple times on the weekend. Obviously this was too much. I ended up with painful shin splints in both legs. Normally these are a result of overstress. ...