Today I visited and became a member at *Leila. You can think of it as a “lending library for things”. You can get a wide selection of tools, games, cooking equipment, electronic devices and much more.
It works like this: You become a member by providing at least one of your items to the *Leila stock. Other members can lend your item from now on, without any costs. Per given item you can also get only one item, giving two items and you can lend two items at the same time. As simple as that!
*Leila is non-profit, so (small) financial donations are welcome to pay the rent. The suggested way of doing it is to have a monthly bank transaction of 1-3,-€ or whatever you would like to give.

Two of my former belongings are now in the *Leila stocks: Garmin etrex vista HCx and Silva MOD15. If you need some navigation tools, check them out at *Leila. More to come!
I needed a ladder which I was able to get from them and we also took a board game “Tintenherz”. Both items are great examples for stuff that you don’t use very regularly (ladder) or only for a certain amount of time (board games).
In my opinion it’s a great bottom-up approach to take collaborative commons into practice. If you are interested check it out at Fehrbelliner Straße 92, 10119 Berlin or